by Soren Gall - Colorado MECE

Men in Early Childhood-Colorado is partnering with Cora Communications on a digital storytelling project to share the stories of men working in ECE. The project will involve hearing stories from men with various roles inside the ECE field. Examples of jobs included in the project will be from teaching staff, administrative staff, coaching positions, family support roles, technology, and government positions. The project’s goal is to allow the ECE community to hear directly from these males. Although all ECE professionals have the ability to contribute their individual strengths and contributions to the field, this project will specifically focus on hearing from men.

For those of you unfamiliar with digital storytelling, it revolves around the idea of combining the longstanding art of telling stories with any of a variety of available multimedia tools, including graphics, audio, video animation, and Web publishing.

You might ask:  Why would I want to invest in this project?

Great question!

This project will be used for the following items:
–          As part of initiatives focusing on recruiting more males in early childhood education
–          In future presentations at education conferences to share the importance of males in ECE
–          Community awareness of the importance of male involvement for ECE children
–          Encourage continued conversations for community partners/organizations on why having males involved in ECE is important for children’s future
–          A tool used as community building for the males that currently work within ECE

Note: Although our organization is based in Colorado, the scope of individuals involved in this project will be at a national level. Being that there is a small amount of males involved in ECE, we know it is essential to involve our colleagues from across the nation.