

A Continuing Debate: Are Men And Women Different? Does It Matter?

We’ve been watching the debate stirred by research done Thomas S. Dee is an associate professor in the Department of Economics at Swarthmore College and a faculty research fellow of the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) suggesting that some boys do better with a male teacher and some girls do better with a female teacher. There […]

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Midwest men in preschool programs

My name is Chuck West. I live in Michigan City, IN, and have worked in, managed, and now own, a business that–among other things–provides consultative mental health services to the Chicago Head Start Program. My company, Worthington, Hurst and Associates, Ltd. (WHA), was the first such business in Chicago, beginning in 1967 when Head Start […]

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17 Elementary School Teachers Out of 241 – That’s 7%

I’m a full time graduate student at Rowan University in Glassboro, NJ working on a Master’s of Science in Teaching degree specializing in Elementary Education. I’m a 30 year old male who is doing a clinical practicum in a second grade class in a poor urban district. There are no male teachers in the school […]

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From recreation administration to special education teacher

I found while looking online for some basic information about my paper and ran into the studies that you had done. I’m a graduate student. I received a B.S. in Recreation Administration and wanted to switch before but I only needed an internship to receive my degree, so I finished that. I changed fields […]

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The alphabet, letter by letter, every week – #5

[MenTeach Note: We’ve asked a man who just finished his teaching program to write about his teaching job. We’ll post each of his journal entries during the year. Post your comments here for him to read – and of course, wish him luck!] Wow, I’d like to apologize for going so long without writing. It’s […]

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A man who LOVES his teaching job!

My name is Kevin and I am an Early Childhood Educator in Chicago, Illinois. I have been teaching since 1996 and I love it. There is nothing better to me than teaching the children and listening, observing and helping each child grow, learn, and make choices. And to hear them say, “Teacher Kevin is my […]

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