Join us to discuss Men and Boys in ECE.
The Schott Foundation continues to broaden its work (in addition to providing a one million dollar grant) at recruiting more men to teaching and sponsors a fellowship in Massachusetts. Kitt Cox, who posts regularly to MenTeach, has been championing the importance of men teachers and was the first to hold a fellowship with a focus on men […]
Read MoreBoys are expelled 4.5 more than girls from prekindergarten
The challenges that boys face in school can be traced back as early as prekindergarten. A 2005 Yale University report showed that nationally, boys are 4.5 times more likely than girls to be expelled from prekindergarten programs. Also noteworthy in this study is the observation that “The increased likelihood of boys to be expelled over […]
Read MoreStanding up for male teachers
[MenTeach: A director wrote asking advice about how to respond to parent’s concerns.] In your recent MenTeach newsletter you had a response for a director who had a parent that did not want his child to have contact with an excellent male teacher. I thought your response to the director was luke warm at best. […]
Read MoreMore African-American Male Teachers Needed

When Chad Clay first came to Claflin University, he knew one day he would be at the head of the class thanks to his first African-American male teacher back in the 7th grade. Chad said, “When we were having issues he would always take us to the side and talk to us like he was […]
Read MoreFree Tuition Education Programs
Boston Teacher Residency The Boston Teacher Residency program is a 13-month teacher preparation program that offers a free master’s degree in education with special education certification and / or ELL certification. Collaborative Urban Teacher (CUE) Program CUE provides complete tuition for a master’s level teacher licensure program in Special education in St. Paul, Minnesota at […]
Read MoreA University Course: Men in Education and the Male Teacher
[MenTeach: Shaun Johnson has been working for many years on the topic of men teaching. He has offered a course about men teaching and continues to research and write about this topic. We’ve posted the introduction to his syllabus and have also attached the entire course outline.] This course will investigate the lack of male […]
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