Get your free DVD about men teachers…
A new DVD created by Men in Child Care in Scotland titled: See the Difference: A question of gender equality.
Read MoreIt’s not who, but how, boys are taught
A worried school principal stopped me in the hallway after I had given a talk on how boys were falling behind in school. The principal wanted to know the answer to a practical question. The search committee at her school had to make a choice between hiring a male teacher or a female teacher. The […]
Read MoreStereotypes might keep some men away
They’re young and enthusiastic, brimming with the love of teaching. They’re also men. And somewhat to their puzzlement, that makes Marc Hoare, Rakesh Patel and Adrian Hoyte hot commodities. Hoare, 29, who teaches Grade 7 English and math at Kitchener’s Margaret Avenue Public School, says he’s mystified as to why there aren’t more male teachers. […]
Read MoreWanted: A few good men – Boys’ classroom struggles linked to scarcity of male teachers
Peter De Pratto is a white, middle-class man. And he’s a minority. The 54-year-old is a Grade 2 teacher at St. Luke School in Waterloo. He has been teaching for 31 years and has taught junior kindergarten to Grade 8. “I enjoy working with younger children. I find it challenging and rewarding at the same […]
Read MoreMr. Rogers – a spokesperson for men in child care
Back in Dec. 2, 1988, Rogers went to Yale to speak about the role of men in child care to a standing-room-only audience in Sheffield-Sterling-Strathcona Hall. Some of Yale’s football players skipped Friday practice to attend the speech, Newell said. After singing one of his signature tunes, “It’s You I Like,” Rogers received a standing […]
Read MoreThe Mistrusted Male Teacher – Male Elementary School Teachers Face Low Ranks and Sometimes Parent Bias
[MenTeach – This article generated hundreds of comments from readers at the ABCnews.com website. After reading the article, there is a link at the end. Go read a few to see whether you agree.] Of all the historical gender disparities in the American classroom, one has quietly stagnated for the last 20 years. Men still […]
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