School is hiring male teachers

[MenTeach: We’ve gotten some e-mails from men saying that schools are not hiring men. We wanted to offer this e-mail from a school out in California] I am the Human Resources Director for a Preschool-6th grade independent school in Los Angeles. We would like to try and recruit male teachers, and were wondering if there […]
Read MoreFuture plans in Manitoba Canada

I am pleased to announce that the local Manitoba Chapter of MECE (Men in Early Childhood Education) now has a leadership team. A special thanks and welcome to Adam Manicom from Assiniboine Castle Day Care who has graciously offered to help me organize our local meetings and guide the direction of the group. If you […]
Read MoreNew Teaching Men site in Australia

I am a teacher (12 years) who has taken some time away to complete my PhD. I am looking at teaching and men and was wondering if you would consider including a link to my website and on-line survey on your site. Please check the site out at : www.teachingmen.com.au Thanks, I look forward to hearing […]
Read MoreGraduate student doing research
I am conducting research on men teaching in elementary education. I am developing a program that encourages men to teach in the elementary profession and to provide support for these men once they get into the field of teaching. I am looking for data on comparisons between men and woman teaching, the advantages that men […]
Read MoreMore films suggested

One of our readers, Ricky Lobo, had some more film suggestions. What do you think? Do you have some favorites? “Coach Carter” starring Samuel L. Jackson “Dangerous Minds” starring Michelle pfeiffer “The Substitute” starring Tom Berenger “Freedom Writers” starring Hillary Swank “An Officer and A Gentleman” starring Richard Gere “Major Payne” starring Damon Wayans
Read MoreDon’t stand so close to me

Remember the Police ballad of the 1980s – Don’t Stand So Close to Me? It was written by Sting, the band’s lead singer, who at one time was employed as a teacher. Well, if Sting were going to do an updated 2006 version, he could call it something like, “Don’t Come Into My Classroom Alone […]
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