Dear MenTeach – How do I change careers to become a teacher?
My name is X, I’m a 33 year old man who works in the music industry. My wife is a public high school teacher here. I am considering a career change: I feel called to work with high school kids, and I would love to coach football. Currently I’m planning to join a local […]
Read MoreJobs: Why more men should become primary school teachers

People ask ‘why should men be primary school teachers?’ and we say ‘why not?” That’s the question posed by Martin Smith, primary education lecturer at UEA. He points out that some children may not hear a male voice all day at primary school and in other schools there may only be one male. “And he’s […]
Read MoreWanted in China: More male teachers

The history class began with a lesson on being manly. Lin Wei, 27, one of a handful of male sixth-grade teachers at the No. 1 primary school here, has made a habit of telling stories about warlords who threw witches into rivers and soldiers who outsmarted Japanese troops. “Men have special duties,” he said. “They […]
Read MoreUpdate for Malaysian

The year 2015 had brought us beautiful and meaningful memories in our Early Chilhood industry in Malaysia. The most interesting and successful one was our involvement and achievement in the Malaysia Book of Records. The great idea was from the CEO of Kids Campus, En. Muhammad Shukri and his team who also as safety officer […]
Read MoreMenTeach E-News – January 2016
MenTeach E-News January 2016 1) Where are the men in Israel’s early childhood education? 2) One Man’s Early Childhood Education Journey from 1976 to 2016 3) Too few men want to teach, United Arab Emirate (UAE) minister says 4) America’s Extreme Need for More Black Male Educators 5) Male teachers face shocking prejudice 6) A […]
Read MoreBook review: Male primary teachers are pushed into stereotypical leadership roles – can you guess which ones?

Talented male primary school teachers are being devalued because they get pigeon-holed into running sports classes or looking after naughty kids, a new book has claimed. The authors of Men Teaching Children 3-11 investigated gender stereotyping in deprived schools across the north of England and London. They found that men were often stereotyped into four […]
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