

Letter: My time as a male educator

Recently, The Daily Republic listed Bobby Reindl as one of two current Longfellow male elementary teachers. The pie graph showed that there are four other lower-level men in the district. Males breaking into the female elementary instructors’ domain has been going on in Mitchell for quite some time — 67 years in fact. I was […]

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There’s a Stigma Around Men Teaching Young Kids. Here’s How We Change It

I wasn’t quite sure what to expect as I dressed in khaki pants and a polo shirt and prepared to attend my first day of orientation as a pre-K teacher of 3- and 4-year-olds. I walked through the school doors for the first time, taken aback by the miniature size of the furniture I saw […]

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Student Looking for a Speaker to Visit His Student Club

Hello, My name is Justin Buntemeyer. I’m currently attending Whatcom Community College in Bellingham, WA. I’m pursuing a masters degree in education with a goal of being an elementary school teacher one day. At my school we have a club called The Teachers of Tomorrow Club. In it, we talk about local, state, national, and […]

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Wayne State University’s Morris Hood Scholars Program making inroads

By 2024 students of color are expected to make up 56 percent of the student population but when you look in front of the classroom the majority – 82 percent – of the teachers and principals are white. However, a program at Wayne State University is on a mission to change that picture. No matter […]

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Best of the Mess from Oct. 6, 1977 – First experience important to new kindergarten teacher

Gene Hanson was the new kindergarten teacher at Onamia Elementary, circa 1977. There’s a new kindergarten teacher at Onamia Elementary. His name is Gene Hanson, and he’s very enthused about his new job. Gene spent the last year teaching on the Mexican-Texas border. He received his Bachelor’s Degree in Elementary Education with a Kindergarten Certificate […]

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