Possible key to black boys’ academic success: Hire black men as elementary school teacher
Near the end of his freshman year at the University of Illinois at Chicago, Ja’Waun Williams heard that a dean there had been a member of the fraternity Williams was pledging. After bonding over their shared affection for Alpha Phi Alpha, Dean Alfred Tatum persuaded Williams to shift his academic focus. Instead of preparing to […]
Read MoreI’m one of the few male nursery teachers. There should be more of us
A few years ago, when I started to seriously consider a career in teaching, the possibility of specialising in teaching the under-sixes didn’t even cross my mind. For me the choice was whether to train as a secondary English or primary school teacher. After much thought, I applied for a primary place on the Teach […]
Read MorePre-to-3: Young black men explore a pathway to early-childhood education

Eric Horsley didn’t come from a family of educators, and he was the first in his family to walk across the stage to receive his high school diploma. But it hasn’t taken him long to pick up the language of the teaching profession. He talks about examining assessment results, choosing the students he will tutor […]
Read MoreSummer Bridge Program Cultivates Future Male Minority Elementary School Teachers

There was a simple question asked to the room of eager students and mentors: “May I teach?” The audience answered confidently: “Teach on.” This question was posed by Darryl McKeller, a teacher with 20 years of experience in inner-city schools in LAUSD. His primary audience included a group of seven students of various ages, participating […]
Read MoreMenTeach E-News – June 2018
MenTeach E-News June 2018 1) Scholarships for Minority Males in California 2) Helping a young children deal with fear of men teachers 3) A Class Debates the Importance of Having Male Teachers 4) Louisiana superintendent: More male teachers needed in classrooms 5) Report from the “KNIGHTS OF THE KIDS’ TABLE” Men in Early Childhood Education […]
Read MoreNext up for men of color? A place at the front of the classroom.
Principal Damon Smith remembers a time when his students at Cambridge Rindge and Latin School in Massachusetts had a black principal, black assistant principal, black mayor, black governor, and black president – all at the same time. But he sees a need for black men to push open the door to the next frontier: the […]
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