In a delightful turn of events, Shah Rukh Khan has once again captivated his fans, this time with his latest blockbuster, Dunki, following the success of Pathaan and Jawan. The film, which has garnered glowing reviews, has proven to be a box office sensation, amassing a staggering Rs 350 crore domestically. While stellar performances are earning accolades, it’s the film’s soundtrack, particularly the song “Lutt Putt Gaya,” that has found its way into the hearts and playlists of many.
Adding to the buzz is a viral video featuring a male teacher joyfully dancing with students to the infectious beats of SRK’s “Lutt Putt Gaya.” The video, shared on Instagram under the handle @javed_gurudeva, has garnered over 53,000 likes, showcasing the widespread appeal of this heartwarming moment.
Netizens are showering the clip with praise, expressing their delight in the comments section. One individual remarked, “Nice, mazza aagya sir,” while another shared, “This is so epic, wow.” A third commenter even went as far as to say, “Better than the original.”
The video has made a significant impact in just four days, with one person expressing gratitude, stating, “It’s hardly been four days, but this reel on this song and everyone in this frame makes me smile. Thank you so much.” Another user described the video as “so beautiful, so elegant, just looking like a wow.”
Clearly, Shah Rukh Khan’s magic extends beyond the silver screen, creating moments of joy and unity that resonate far beyond the confines of the cinema hall.