by Ahmad Hazman Bin Ali

I’m Ahmad from Malaysia.

I’m student and majoring in Early Childhood Education. Now I’m working on my Project Paper: Male Teacher Involvement in ECE.

I’m pleased because I get a lot of information from the website. It is really beneficial and helpful.
The reason why choose this topic is to promote and increase the number of male teacher in preschool since become a preschool teacher like a taboo in our culture. they cannot / not ready for that. so i would like to have some information about this matter from anyone from this field that can give me a good reason (why we need male teacher) and a lot of information that can be put in my project paper. this information will be beneficial to my country and all the male teacher who have the spirit of teaching but ‘hide’ it because of this thing.

I need your information regarding of this topic and i was very thankful if u can answer all the questions below and send back to me at

your response to this study were really appreciated.



Male teacher involvement in early childhood education

Education background:
Marital status:
No of children:

1) Do you know about male teacher involvement in early childhood education/ preschool?
What do you think? (based on experience etc)

2) Do you think that male teachers are suitable to teach in preschool?

3) What is the advantages/benefit of having male teachers in preschool?

4) What is the disadvantages of having male teachers in preschool?

5) What is the major factor that effect the lack of male teacher in preschool?

6) What is the main reason that male teachers choose this job?

7) What is the strategies that can be done to increase the number of male teacher involvement in preschool?

8) “Being a good teacher (in preschool) does not depend on their gender.”

Do you agree with this statement?
If YES / NO , why? (reason)

9) Do you think that men who choose to teach young children have a future in life?

10) Overall, do you think that teaching young children is ONLY suitable for female teacher?
If YES / NO, why? (reason)