
Here is a collection of references I have found. Forgive the messy format, it is crude but usually I am the only one using it, but it may give you some documents to chase down.
I don’t know how to attach a document so here it is cut and pasted.
Research studies
• Bradley, J. G. (2000). Male elementary teacher candidates: A narrative perspective on
their initial career choice. McGill Journal of Education 35(2), 155-172.

Carrington, B. (2002). A quintessentially feminine domain? Student teachers’
constructions of primary teaching as a career. Educational Studies, 28(3), 287-

• Cooney, M. H., & Bittner, M. T. (2001). Men in early childhood education: Their
emergent issues. Early Childhood Education Journal, 8(29), 77-82.

• DeCorse, C. J. B. & Vogtle, S. P. (1997). In a complex voice: The contradictions of male
elementary teachers’ career choice and professional identity. Journal of Teacher
Education, 48(1), 37-46.

• Hebert, T. P. (2000). Gifted males pursuing careers in elementary education: Factors that
influence a belief in self. Journal for the Education of the Gifted, 24(1), 7-45.

Gamble nR. J., & Wilkins, J. (1997). Beyond tradition: Where are the men in elementary
education? Contemporary Education, 68(3), 1187-1193.

• Johnston, J., McKeown, E. & McEwen, A. (1999). Choosing primary teaching as a
career: The perspectives of males and females in training. Journal of Education
for Teaching, 25(1), 55-64.

Klecker, B. M. (1999). Male elementary school teachers’ ratings of job satisfaction by
years of teaching experience. Education, 119(3), 504-513.

• Oyler, C., Jennings, G. T., & Lozada, P. (2001). Silenced gender: The construction of a
male primary educator. Teaching and Teacher Education, 17, 367-379.

• Skelton, C. (2003). Male primary teachers and perceptions of masculinity. Educational
Review, 55(2), 195-209.

Sumsion, J. (2000). Negotiating otherness: A male early childhood educator’s gender
positioning. International Journal of Early Years Education, 8(2), 129-140.

Thornton, M. (1999). Reducing wastage among men student teachers in primary courses:
A male club approach. Journal of Education for Teaching, 25(1), 41-53.

• Vogt, F. (2002). A caring teacher: Explorations into primary school teachers’
professional identity and ethic of care. Gender and Education 14(3), 251-264.

• Wilkins, J. & Gamble, R. J. (2000). An examination of gender differences among
teachers in Jamaican schools. Multicultural Education, 7(4), 18-20.

Carrington, B. & Skelton, C. (2003). Re-thinking ‘role models’: Equal opportunities in
teacher recruitment in England and Wales. Journal of Educational Policy, 18(3),

King, J. R. (1998). Uncommon caring: Learning from men who teach young children.
New York; Teachers College Press.

Men, Pre-service Training and the Implications for Continuing Professional Development.
Author(s): Thornton, Mary
Source: Journal of In-service Education v27 n3 p477-90 2001
Publication Year: 2001

Title: Primary School Teachers’ Careers in England and Wales: The Relationship Between Gender, Role, Position and Promotion Aspirations.
Author(s): Thornton, Mary; Bricheno, Pat
Source: Pedagogy, Culture and Society v8 n2 p187-206 2000
Publication Year: 2000
ISSN: 14681366

Title: A Few Good Men.
Author(s): Vail, Kathleen
Source: American School Board Journal v186 n10 p28-30 Oct 1999
Publication Year: 1999
ISSN: 00030953

Title: Choosing To Teach: Perceptions of Male Preservice Teachers in Early Childhood and Elementary Education.
Author(s): Stroud, James C.; Smith, Lawrence L.; Ealy, Lenore T.; Hurst, Rosemary
Source: Early Child Development and Care v163 p49-60 Aug 2000
Publication Year: 2000
ISSN: 03004430

Title: Gender and Cohort Differences in University Students’ Decisions To Become Elementary Teacher Education Majors.
Author(s): Montecinos, Carmen; Nielsen, Lynne E.
Source: Journal of Teacher Education v48 n1 p47-54 Jan-Feb 1997
Publication Year: 1997
ISSN: 00224871

Title: The Experience of Students in a Gender Minority in Courses at a College of Higher and Further Education.
Author(s): Thurtle, Val; Hammond, Shaun; Jennings, Paul
Source: Journal of Vocational Education and Training: The Vocational Aspect of Education v50 n4 p629-46 1998
Publication Year: 1998
ISSN: 13636820
Descriptors: *Nontraditional Occupations; *Preservice Teacher Education; *Sex Stereotypes; *Vocational Education; Early Childhood Education; Engineering; Females; Higher Education; Males; Motor Vehicles; Postsecondary Education; Technical Institutes
Abstract: Interviews with 10 men studying early childhood education and 8 women in motor-vehicle engineering, areas in which they were gender minorities, revealed intimidating behaviors and stereotypes preventing their full participation. Difficulties also arose in workshops and job placements. (SK)
Language: English
Clearinghouse: Adult, Career, and Vocational Education (CE534118)
Number of Pages: 18
Publication Type: Journal Article (080)
Reports – Research/Technical (143)
Journal Code: CIJOCT1999
Entry Month: 199910
ERIC Number: EJ580934
Persistent link to this record: http://search.epnet.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=eric&an=EJ580934

Other Articles
Cohen, D. (1992). Why there are so few male teachers in early grades. Education Digest,
57(6), 11-13.

Lawson, J. (2004, January/February). Male teachers in elementary schools. Athens
Parent, 13-15.

Mills, M. (2004). Male teachers, homophobia, misogyny and teacher education. Teaching
Education, 15(1), 27-39.


Mason, ,J. (2002). Qualitative researching. London: Sage.

Patton, M. Q. (2002). Qualitative research & evaluation methods. Thousand Oaks, CA:

Too Old?

Galbraith, M. (1992). Understanding career choices of men in elementary education.
Journal of Educational Research, 85(4), 246-253.