Being falsely accused by students seeking revenge
I recently read your article on MSN News. I am a late middle aged male middle school teacher (2nd career) with tenure in a large Urban district; 7 years experience; husband of a veteran teacher; I lead my middle school in TVASS test gains for subjects taught; also a Union member. Impeccable employment record and […]
Read MoreI know why you picked an education major
I am a elementary education major (1-5) at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette. Currently I am a junior and have completed my Praxis I exam. I will be graduating in the Spring of 2010 and simply cannot wait to teach young children. I heard about your organization from the article on “Percentage of […]
Read MoreJust Say NO, to No Touch
Male early childhood (EC) educators face stereotypes that portray us as potential child abusers on a daily basis. Clearly, children must be protected from child abusers, yet a principle reason many men give for not entering or staying in the field of early childhood education (ECE) is fear of being accused of harming young children […]
Read MoreLooking for a teaching job?
I just read an article about your group. Unfortunately I hadn’t heard about you and your mission before, but I think it’s great. We work with a lot of employers who would like to hire more men in elementary schools. SchoolSpring provides recruiting services to K-12 districts around the country. We also run the web site […]
Read MoreWomen supporting male teachers
I believe it is passion that pushed me to pursue an ECE Masters degree. I had ever since been in love with teaching, especially little kids. It has simply become my inspiration. This idea [thinking about the importance of male teachers] started when I had worked for an International school in Bangkok. There was an […]
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