Teacher’s Day: Sir is not in class in India

If I am your class teacher, I know everything about you. I am supposed to,” says Tathagata Dutta. Only minutes ago, the 31-year-old English teacher at The Shri Ram School, Gurgaon, had given a quick demonstration of those skills. Walking past a student in her football jersey, he had softly asked: “So, whom did you […]
Read More2016 Winners of the NAEYC M.E.N. Interest Forum Awards

The National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) Men in Education Network (M.E.N.) Interest Forum gives out two awards each year at the national conference. The first is the Champion for Men and Children Award which goes to a man, woman or organization that has made significant contribution to furthering our efforts to […]
Read MoreCommentary: What boys need in the classroom — a few good men

It’s only the second month of school and Ernesto has already cussed me out several times. He learned to protect himself in the school of hard knocks, where daily lessons involve neglect, abuse, and distrust from the adults in his life. His father left him when he was young, and his mother worked multiple jobs […]
Read MoreConcern for vulnerable children as proportion of male teachers drops in Australia

Men are becoming a token presence in our children’s schools. In 2016 fewer than one in five primary school teachers were men and if the current rate of decline continues male teachers will be extinct by 2050. Tim Clark taught English and media in Melbourne for three years immediately after leaving university. After a break […]
Read MoreThe Repercussions of the Black Teacher Shortage

A recent study found that black students who have at least one black teacher do better in school. Making policy around this research is complicated. Ashley McCall was teaching her third grade students about American voting rights last year when one of them asked a question she couldn’t answer: How do older people of color process the […]
Read MoreDefying assumptions but teaching with passion in India

The concept that “Kindergarten teachers are always female” is a gender stereotype that a young male teacher at The Maple Tree School, Dimapur has defied. Imnawapang Changkiri has been working as a full-time kindergarten teacher for five years. This young man has earned the love and admiration of many people over the years. He shared […]
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