Editorial: A New Twist to Resolutions
Happy New Year! Time is flying by, apparent as the calendar turns to February. Hopefully, you are on target and feeling success in maintaining any New Year resolutions you set. Over the holidays, discussions with my four millennial children regarding New Year resolutions afforded me the opportunity to review my tradition of creating resolutions. I […]
Read MoreJapan: Online debate on male nursery workers dressing girls heats up after mayor’s tweet

Online debate over the use of male nursery staff is heating up after the mayor of this city tweeted about some parents asking their daughters’ day care centers not to have male staff members help them get dressed. The Chiba Municipal Government is set to launch a new 10-year plan in April to boost the […]
Read MorePath to a new life takes these minority high school graduates back to preschool

Sekani Malcolm was serving coffee and pastries at Dunkin’ Donuts last month, a 20-year-old high school graduate with no plans to go to college and few aspirations for a solid career. He had struggled in school, where he sometimes found trouble, and he was working the part-time job to help support his 3-month-old daughter. Like […]
Read MoreBecome an Urban Teacher

Why Urban Teachers?’ Among other things, we have a 14-month residency as part of our master’s curriculum from Johns Hopkins University. This allows you to observe and teach in the classroom before you become a teacher of record. You’ll also benefit from three years of teacher placement and one-on-one coaching. Round that out with a […]
Read MoreKellogg Foundation Awards CSUN Grant to Tackle California’s Teacher Shortage – MenTeach lead consultant

California faces a looming teacher shortage, and, in particular, a deficit in the number of men interested in working in elementary education. Hoping to help alleviate the problem, the W.K. Kellogg Foundation has awarded California State University, Northridge a $385,651, three-year grant for a teacher-preparation project aimed at increasing the number of men — particularly […]
Read MoreMenTeach has had millions of hits
MenTeach: A few readers have asked how much web traffic does our site have. has been around since April 2002. We’ve had one revision of our site back starting February 2007. You’ll see below that we’ve had over 2.4 millions hits in the last two years. The software that tracks our site traffic screens […]
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