Schott happens! Fellowship Available.
Hello MenTeach, Here’s a great opportunity for men and women in Massachusetts to learn about how to have an impact on education policies, develop professional networks, and to build advocacy skills. Diverse leadership connected to community – architects of change. Schott happens! Kitt It’s that time again! We are looking for great people to be […]
Read MoreOne reason we love to teach
We just had one of our School-Age girls move on from our program after being with us for quite a number of years. She lives with her grandparents and they wrote a very heart-warming letter to us. One portion of the letter really spoke to me and I wanted to share it with you: “…it […]
Read MoreFinding support as a male teacher
The little comic strip posted at: https://www.menteach.org/news, left me feeling slightly less alone. I am heart broken by the caution line I feel I have to walk because I am a man in a woman dominated field. Often feeling sad or concerned when my director or some approach me about my voice, how I speak, low […]
Read MoreMen teachers in Malaysia
I am very happy to share my experiences having male teachers teaching at my centre. 2009 is a special year whereby two male teachers are actively involved at the centre. They are well received by the children until female staff felt a little bit uncomfortable. Our young children as early as two years old will […]
Read MoreBatman in the classroom?

[MenTeach: A person posted an interesting question in the forums.] I was wondering if anyone had any experience in trying to teach superheroes to preschoolers. The school I teach at is high/scope and has a ban on superheroes. Many of the boys in my class have expressed interest in Batman, and I want to use […]
Read MoreTeach in an all boy school
Septima Clark Public Charter School, the first public charter school for boys in Washington, DC, has launched its 2008-09 teacher recruitment search. We need your help! Do you know of an extraordinary preschool to 2nd grade teacher? You know that teacher who is the first in the door preparing his or her classroom and the […]
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