World News
Male teachers outnumber females at New Zealand Hamilton’s Rhode Street School

Male teachers outnumber females at a Hamilton primary school, bucking a national trend which sees women dominate the profession. There are 10 male teachers at Hamilton’s Rhode Street School and six females. Rhode Street School is reversing the national trend in which women make up about 84 per cent of the primary teaching workforce. Teaching […]
Read MoreJobs: Why more men should become primary school teachers

People ask ‘why should men be primary school teachers?’ and we say ‘why not?” That’s the question posed by Martin Smith, primary education lecturer at UEA. He points out that some children may not hear a male voice all day at primary school and in other schools there may only be one male. “And he’s […]
Read MoreWanted in China: More male teachers

The history class began with a lesson on being manly. Lin Wei, 27, one of a handful of male sixth-grade teachers at the No. 1 primary school here, has made a habit of telling stories about warlords who threw witches into rivers and soldiers who outsmarted Japanese troops. “Men have special duties,” he said. “They […]
Read MoreMore men in early childhood education in New Zealand

Four years ago: A keynote speaker at the Early Childhood MenZ Summit in Wanganui said it was heartening to see that men are now realising a career in early childhood education is a viable option. Dunedin Early childhood education lecturer Tagiilima Feleti said the number of men showing interest in early childhood education was growing […]
Read MoreSome Australian schools are experiencing an extreme shortage of male teachers

Callum Gardner is used to seeing raised eyebrows on the football field when he tells his teammates his profession. But as a male in a predominantly female-dominated industry, he is no stranger to this surprise. Mr Gardener, who started his first teaching job at Wagga’s Lutheran Primary School this year, spent four years sitting in […]
Read MoreMale teachers face shocking prejudice

Men deserve a break. Normal men. Not the Mitchell Pearces’ of the world, who are a disgrace, but the men who are trying to make a difference in our kids’ lives every day. Men like our own husbands, brothers and sons. Thousands of Perth parents are breathing an almost-guilty sigh of relief this morning as […]
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