by Leon Avrechby Leon Avrech
37 years in public middle school education.

A note from the author:

I wrote this book to help new teachers be successful because if you are successful, your students will learn. Teaching is NOT a woman’s profession. I can attest to that, a male teacher, with 37 years teaching experience. Teaching is for the inspired, the dedicated, the people who want to make a difference. Men who care about the future, who want to be role models to their students, who want to make the classroom a wonderful place of learning. I can tell you from experience, parents and students love men teachers.

There is something about a male instructor that transcends wisdom to his students. At home, some children do not have a male role model. My book covers your school year from the day the secretary gives you your room key and points you in the direction of your classroom to your end of year evaluation. Thirty seven years experience for you in every day language.

Such topics as: the first day, orientation, classroom management, preparing lessons plans, yard duty, parent conferences, open house, principal evaluations, and more. Men, you’ll be inspired to teach. Everyone will look up to you. You will be ready and excited to teach. You will be happy to get to school. You will do a great job.

When friends tell you that you should pick another profession because it makes more money like a dentist, doctor, etc. You know, you’ve heard it before. Tell them, what greater gift is there than to give knowledge to others. Tell them “To Teach is to Touch A Life Forever”. Although my book is for new middle school teachers, almost all of it applies to other grades as well. Buy it, enjoy, and remember there are others with you. You are not alone.

Order the book.