
A report from a man teaching in Puerto Rico

by Angel G. Mercado in Puerto Rico
I became a first grade teacher about three years ago at the elementary school Rafael Qui–ones Vidal in Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico.

I worked for two years at different positions in the school. I worked in Kindergarten, English and Title I in Math.

My mother has been a big influence in my love for pre-schoolers and first graders because she is a retired kindergarten teacher.

She worked for 31 years in the public schools in Puerto Rico. Through her, I learned to love the honesty and spontaneity that little ones have.

I love my job even if some teachers and parents don’t feel comfortable with the fact that I’m a young early childhood teacher.

Thanks for your attention in my story.

Angel G. Mercado

An update:

Greetings. I had the opportunity to tell my story as a first grade teacher in 2007 in Puerto Rico. Many things have happened since that publication.

Since completing my Masters, I started my PhD and direct the kindergarten program in the Department of Education.

At present, I wait 14 years for became kindergarten teacher. I’d love to tell my story and update all the achievements and struggles that I have encountered in my 16 years as a teacher on the island of Puerto Rico.