Dwindling number of Malaysian male teachers in school comes as no surprise.

Recently, a young teacher friend of mine, mentioned her brother’s wish to be a teacher. Having seen his sister’s wonderful involvement with her students, it dawned on him that teaching would be a good career. Yet, the advice given by my friend to her sibling was nonetheless a reality that has to faced: “I don’t […]
Read MoreGender gap among teachers: Where are the men?
For two years, Chezare Warren taught math at a middle school on Chicago’s Southwest Side, weathering the kinds of situations that keep so many men from pursuing teaching careers at elementary and secondary schools. There were the usual jokes from friends about his low pay and cushy workday. There were the awkward moments with women […]
Read MoreAfrican-American male teachers are a missing ingredient

William Alexander was all ears at his mother’s home in Riverside during President Barack Obama’s back-to-school message to kids Sept. 8. The Oakland elementary school teacher, who was in the area attending a conference, knows the importance of encouraging children to stay in school. In 2004, he became the first in his family to go […]
Read MoreWhat do parents think about male teachers?

[MenTeach: More and more college and university students are doing surveys asking about male teachers. They notice that there are so few men so they end up doing a research project. The following are some comments from parents in answer to a survey: 1 a) If your child/children currently has or use to have a […]
Read MoreMore male teachers wanted
A MEN-ONLY teacher taster course is being put on by the county council help encourage more men into the profession. In 2001/02 there were around 1,500 men teaching in the county but a Government campaign has seen that rise up to 2,341 in 2008/09. To help boost numbers Bucks County Council are holding their a […]
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