New Deadline! Seeking manuscripts for Journal of Men’s Studies
As I eluded to in my first message, I want to move ahead with a special or thematic issue of the Journal of Men’s Studies dealing with men and the teaching profession with a special focus on the early grades (not opposed to other educational levels though). I see the issue consisting of 4-6 peer-reviewed papers and […]
Read MoreAlternative Teacher Certification Programs Report Success Recruiting Men

When the Houston Alternative Certification Programs for teacher certification were first introduced in 1987, they were met with a great deal of opposition. Not only were some higher education institutions upset by the expedited process of certifying teachers, but teachers themselves were disgruntled by all of the “newbies” who seemed to take an accelerated course […]
Read MoreMale teacher sessions aim to cut severe shortage of positive male role models in schools

A campaign was launched to encourage more men to become primary school teachers to counteract the shortage of male role models in schools. The Training and Development Agency for Schools (TDA) has organised events in schools around the country. Hundreds of men will attend the sessions in which school staff will talk about why they […]
Read MorePrimary schools launch drive to recruit more male staff as only one in eight teachers is a man

A major new drive to recruit more male staff to primary schools was launched today as it emerged just one in eight teachers is a man. Experts said the shortage of male primary teachers was affecting boys and denying them vital role models. New figures show the number of male school teachers is running at […]
Read MoreMen In Childcare Network in Ireland

In June 2004 KKCCC hosted the first Men in Childcare Conference which examined the issues of achieving a gender balance within the sector. Out of that conference a Men in Childcare Network was established and they have gone on to host two further conferences each year since. The Men in Childcare Network support and encourage […]
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