Men in Your Teacher Preparation Program: Five Strategies to Recruit and Retain Them

The professional Young Children has published it’s May 2010 issue devoted to Men in the Lives of Young Children. Several members have an article in the journal. If you are a member of the National Association for the Education of Young Children you already have the issue and can download an electronic version. If you aren’t […]
Read MoreMen urged to teach in primaries
A drive has been launched to attract more men into becoming primary school teachers in England. The Training and Development Agency for Schools (TDA) says four in five applicants are women, though it has seen a rise in male applicants of 30%. The TDA is bringing teachers into classroom events to encourage more men to […]
Read MoreSchools launch drive to recruit male teachers
A major push to increase the number of male teachers in primary schools is being launched this week in an attempt to overcome a serious shortage which experts say is affecting boys. Hundreds of men will attend events in schools, where heads, deputies and teachers will try to persuade them to join the profession. The […]
Read MoreMarried to a man teaching in early childhood
My friend recently came to visit and lend a hand with the birth of our new son. As we sat in the midst of diapers, toys and dirty clothes, we said our good-byes as my husband and daughter headed toward the door to go to preschool. My husband, with a guitar on his back, adjusted […]
Read MoreMale teachers in the Phillipines
In the last Licensure Examinations for Teachers (LET), a total of 26,812 took the elementary level test while 23,975 took the secondary level exam. Only one male examinee — Gian Carlo Auxilian, a graduate of St. Anthony’s College in Antique—made it to the top 10 in the elementary level. In the secondary level, 11 of […]
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