As I eluded to in my first message, I want to move ahead with a special or thematic issue of the Journal of Men’s Studies dealing with men and the teaching profession with a special focus on the early grades (not opposed to other educational levels though). I see the issue consisting of 4-6 peer-reviewed papers and a book review section highlighting recent books dealing with men and the teaching profession. The first order of business then is to identify the GE(s) for this issue. Next, the GE(s) and myself create a Call for Papers (C4P) and a timeline for the issue. Then we need to get the C4P out to as wide an audience (i.e., international) as possible.
Once the C4P goes out, the GE(s) then takes over the issue’s editorial duties (e.g., solicit reviewers [ideally 2 per submission], sending submissions to reviewers and monitoring the review process, communicating with authors with reviewers’ feedback, overseeing revisions if asked for, and acceptance of the mss for the special issue). Once the mss are accepted, the GE(s) turns the mss over to the Men’s Studies Press, which is responsible for the production, marketing, and shipping of the special issue.
If we find that the “men and teaching” area has a larger pool of on-going research and interest than we might initially think, the Men’s Studies Press would be open to looking at the possibility of sponsoring a scholarly, peer-review journal dealing with this area. This possibility needs considerable planning and we will wait to see what comes from the special issue. One last request, if you think of any colleagues who might be interested in this project (from any part of the globe), please feel free to forward this message to any and all within your network and ask them to send me an email if interested.
The new deadline is August 2010.
Be well.
Jim Doyle
Men’s Studies Press
Phone: 423.369.2375
Fax 423.369.1125