Fall Meeting of New England MenTeach will be held

Saturday, October 2 11AM-3PM in Northampton. MA

All men (and allies) in early childhood are encouraged and welcomed.

It’s time for our annual Fall Meeting of MenTeach-New England (Men in early childhood education). It will be at the Smith College Center or Early Childhood Education, Ft. Hill Campus of Smith College, Northampton, MA.

We will talk about our activities, share our experiences, make plans.

We have invited Dr. Kyle Pruett, MD- child psychiatrist, author on families and fathers. We Will share lunch and maybe a few drinking songs and an possible optional visit to the Eric Carle Museum close by.

Rides are being arranged. Please RSVP.

For more information contact Craig Simpson at cs42202144@yahoo.com or 617-623-9293.
