USA National MenTeach Symposium in Chicago
New Zealand – First NZ Men in Early Child Care and Teaching Summit
Newsweek Article – Magazine
NBC Nightly News – Television
World Forum in Hawaii 2008
Australian Men Meet
How to recruit 30 men to early education?
MenTeach on Ontario Television panel discussion talking about men teachers
On MenTeach Website – Discussions and Forums
Meet some men – Men’s Stories
Let us know what’s going on in your part of the world
ABOUT MenTeach
JOIN or DONATE to MenTeach
VOLUNTEER for MenTeach
Forward Our Message
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USA National MenTeach Symposium in Chicago
November 7, 2007 – 12 – 4:30PM – McCormick Place, South Building – S505 A/B
Research shows that boys’ reading levels increase if there is male teacher. In other research, states with more male teachers tend to have higher salaries. Yet in the United States, the percentage of men teachers is at a 40-year low, and the percentage of men of color is even lower. What are we doing to recruit and retain men teachers?

This national symposium about men teaching will bring a broad range of presenters and participants together to discuss and strategize recruiting and retaining men teachers as part of implementing diversity in early care and education.

Participants and presenters come from universities, colleges, and schools, and are teachers, high school coordinators, center directors, principals, and program directors.

Also note, this event is for both men AND women. The symposium first provides participants the latest information about men teaching. What are the numbers? Who are the people? Second, the participants will have an opportunity to learn about effective strategies to increase the number of men in their child care or elementary school program.

By the end of the workshop, participants will work in groups to develop components of a draft of a national policy about men and children.

Both women and men are encouraged to attend.

There are several other workshops about men, fathers and male teachers during the week that are being presented.

You must register at for the entire conference or just for one day.


New Zealand – First NZ Men in Early Child Care and Teaching Summit

A new early childhood publication is now available: Proceedings of the First NZ Men in Early Child Care and Teaching Summit and a Record of Challenges, Changes and Thinking. It’s a fantastic document that summarizes many of challenges and issues facing men in education. Dr. Sarah Farquhar has written extensively about this topic.

You can download it online at:

Please feel free to forward the copy or send details of the link to your colleagues.


Newsweek Article – Magazine
“Sept. 17, 2007 issue – When numerous fellow teachers asked Josh Holt to mentor their students last year at Heber Hunt Elementary in Sedalia, Mo., Holt initially felt a burst of pride…”

Read the complete article where MenTeach and other men teachers are quoted:


NBC Nightly News – Television

Bryan G. Nelson Director of MenTeach and Adam Fogolin – 5th grade teacher from Highland Elementary School in Apple Valley, MN (district 196), USA were interviewed and featured on NBC Nightly News, Monday, October 1, 2007.

You can find the link to access the video via /node/479

Once you get to the NBC Nightly News archives, scroll down to October 1 and look for Wanted: A Few Good Men

Hopefully we represented the profession favorably and presented the issue well.


World Forum in Hawaii May 21 – 23, 2008

The momentum is building towards the First World Forum of Men in Early Childhood Education (MECE), May 21 – 23, 2008 at Sheraton Waikiki Hotel – Honolulu, Hawaii.

Join men and women from Scotland, Norway, Malawi, India, Australia, New Zealand, United States and from all over the world to the first international gathering.

This is event is being coordinated by the World Forum Foundation and sponsored by many organizations including MenTeach.

For more information:



A group of men gather on a regular basis to talk about the important work of male teachers and father involvement.

Contact: Craig d’Arcy if you have more questions.


How to recruit 30 men to early education?

Read how center director Ron Blatz in Manitoba, Canada was able to find 30 men applicants for his early education program with one advertisement! It may be easier to find men to teach then you believe.



MenTeach on Ontario Television panel discussion talking about men teachers

Bryan G. Nelson appeared on a panel discussion on the talk show The Agenda hosted by Steve Paikin on Monday, October 22, 2007.

To see the show online go to:  and look for the Monday, October 22, 2007 episode.


On MenTeach Website – Discussions and Forums
A 25 year old man has worked at K-mart doing children photos. He wants to become a teacher and is wondering how he can do it. Read his message and tell him your story.

Go to: /node/505


Meet the men – Men’s Stories

Consider sharing your story or a story about someone you know. We’ll need a photograph!


Let us know what’s going on in your part of the world
Stop by the MenTeach website to share your thoughts about teaching and whether you are meeting with other men and women who are interested in more men teaching.

ABOUT MenTEACH: This email Newsletter has been distributed by the MenTeach – a clearinghouse with a mission to increase the percentage of men teaching.

Forward Our Message – be sure to forward this message to anyone you think might be interested in teaching children.

JOIN or DONATE to MenTeach today – support our mission to increase the number of men teachers.

VOLUNTEER for MenTeach – help make a difference by volunteering with MenTeach. We could use help moderating forums, posting articles that you find, updating the bibliography, hosting a group in your region, do some research about the percentages in your state, get involved and make some new friends. Drop us a line to let us know what you’d like to do.

E-LETTER POLICY FOR INCLUSION: MenTeach’s monthly e-letter includes news/resources/events that are relevant to those interested and supporting the education, support and care of children and families and who want qualified men teaching children.

TO BE REMOVED FROM THE LIST: Go to this link and manage your account.

Men Teach E-News