Key Articles
Fatherless boys have significantly higher feelings of self worth with male teacher
Paul Dawson, Oregon State System of Higher Education, Monmouth [MenTeach: Here is so early research from the 1970s showing that there is a positive effect having male teachers.] The research to be described includes two related investigations, one of which was a study of elementary school teachers’ perceptions of fatherless boys. The second study involved […]
Read MoreMale elementary teacher candidates: A narrative perspective on their initial career choice
ABSTRACT. Do male teachers have a place in the elementary school? While several research and societal traditions suggest that males should be represented in the elementary classroom, contemporary demographic data dramatically indicate that few males are entering elementary education. Via an initial narrative exploration, a group of beginning male teacher candidates share their thoughts on […]
Read MoreMenTeach on national New Zealand Television

After presenting at the 4th Annual Men in Early Childhood Education New Zealand conference I had the opportunity to appear on TV3 a national morning show (thanks for arranging that Adam Buckingham!). By the way, I had special bumper stickers made for NZ because in certain parts of the world diapers are called nappies. Here is the […]
Read MoreResearch Articles: Early childhood textbook images reflect “rules” for male teachers

Men represent roughly 2% of all teachers in preschool and kindergarten classrooms in the United States, and that number may be declining. Researchers have argued that the dearth of male teachers is related in multiple complex ways to the feminized nature of ECED teaching. Men in early childhood classrooms encounter implicit rules for engaging with […]
Read MoreBoys want male teachers

Jack Kammer, who created The Center for Men and Boys in Social Policy forwarded a new study that comes from the Maine Boys Network has come out with The Gender Divide in Academic Achievement (2008) that interviewed boys about their attitude about schools. In one part boys said what type of teachers they want: “Just over one-third of the groups discussed […]
Read MoreMale teachers ‘vital role models’

Male primary school teachers are vital role models for boys, new research suggests. Almost half of men say that a male teacher has been a fundamental role model in their life, a survey commissioned by the Training and Development Agency (TDA) found. The poll of more than 800 men looked at the impact of male […]
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