Forum Replies Created
November 1, 2010 at 2:40 pm in reply to: Is It Too Late? Should I, could I, would I? Same-4-Same #7900
MemberI would be hard pressed to tell you a worse time in the last 40 years to change
your career to teaching. First you dog would NEVER be permitted in the school
for liability reasons and others. Second, there is a glut of unemployed, certified
teachers in every state of the union. Third..there is no priority to hire men in fact
many times men cannot even get an interview.
You would be better off learning how to “shoe” horses.palmharbor
MemberThere is no shortage of male teachers in Elementary schools. Were there a shortage, the district’s teacher recruiter would be actively looking for you.
She is NOT. Example….a man may not have any 4″ high heeled pump
shoes in his closet, but that does not mean he has a shortage of 4″ high heeled pumps. He doesn’t want any. Same with the school district.
I guarantee you that if a school district had all their Trig. teachers retire, they would actively be looking for trig. teachers. They would not be passive about
it as they are about having male elementary teachers.palmharbor
MemberI beg to differ. Here in Florida where few men are hired, when you come to a school where there are no male teachers you are looked at as an “intruder” and they are monitoring you like a hawk… they view you with concern. That was my experience and for the eleven dollars an hour they pay it was not worth it.
MemberI suggest you jump ship quick. The teaching ship is taking on water fast and there is a glut of unemployed teachers. Here in Tampa Bay entry level teachers make $11 an hour. This is no joke as they start as substitute teachers. Can you live on $55 a day?
Maybe you could if this were 1970 but not in 2008.
The Florida legislature is considering a bill to gut the concept of tenure entirely. Jeb Bush has an organization that advises the legislature on the privatization of education.
Re-train yourself in something other than being a teacher.
Don’t wait…do it now.
MemberGuys, The Teaching Industry is a closed industry and men are not
wanted. They cannot come out and say it but when men don’t get
interviewed they do not get hired…especially elementary.
I suggest you do the following: GIVE UP.
The NEA has no plans to do anything.
The AFT has no plans to do anything.
The US office of Education WAS called on to do something and they did
That’s it. Period. There is nothing we can do.
MemberThey just want to hire a female teacher…that’s all…discrimination in hiring against men.
That was such a bogus excuse – it’s pathetic.
Unfortunately, this forum is afraid to address this issue.
They have plenty of qualified women and just don’t care about hiring you.
I taught in Chicago from 1969 to 1973 in Elementary. I was at Atgeld Elementary on the West Side near Pulaski and Madison and a school at 79th and Jeffery. This was during the Vietnam
War and there was a big shortage of teachers plus if you were male and agreed to teach in the “inner city” you could get a draft deferrment and avoid military service. Atgeld had about 35% male elementary teachers….most all there to avoid the draft.The NEA does not care about how you are treated nor does the Union and I must tell you
I would look for a new job….how about selling text books to schools?????Contact Mondo Publishing…NYC…they make great elementary library books for the classroom
that are NON-fiction and boys love them.Good Luck ….many give political lip service to hiring men but they hire women, time and time and time and time and time again.