By Wynsley Wrigley – The New Zealand Herald

Gisborne man DJ (Donald) Sowerby is breaking gender barriers by becoming an early childhood teacher.

Half of New Zealand’s population are male but only 3 per cent of early childhood education (ECE) teachers are men.

Sowerby never imagined he would choose to work in ECE but now, at 49 years old, he can think of nothing he would rather do.

He has also been awarded the Men in ECE Invitation Award.

The award is designed to attract men to a career in ECE and make them feel welcome in the profession.

Sowerby, a father of two, is studying for a graduate diploma in teaching in ECE.

He previously worked as a vision and hearing technician for the B4School Check Programme at Hauora Tairāwhiti.

Dr Sarah Alexander, chief adviser to the Office of Early Child Education, says low male representation in the profession makes it difficult to attract men into ECE teaching because they do not see other men in this line of work.

Male ECE teachers are scarce, and particularly so in the Gisborne region, she said in a statement.

Alexander says that although men are needed in the ECE sector because of the teacher shortage, the compelling reason was the educational value and social development benefits for children of having men present and involved in early childhood teaching.

“Boys need to see people of their gender, people like them, in the early childhood centre.

“All children ought to be seeing that early childhood teachers can be both men and women.

“Until men are well represented in early childhood ulhyteaching, children are learning from a young age that it’s women’s work and not a role that men can perform too.”

Sowerby agrees.

“I did not realise how gender roles were socialised at such a young age until I started working in ECE.

“I believe it is an important part of my work to impress on tamariki that they do not need to rely on these roles to determine their future, and that it is important that they follow their dreams no matter what they might be.”

Getting back into study at the age of 49 is not an easy thing for anyone. But Sowerby is committed to gaining an ECE teaching qualification.

“I have found studying again after such a long period challenging, as I completed my BSc through Waikato University over 20 years ago.

“I’m hopeful after I graduate that I’ll be able to get a role as a teacher in a childcare centre here in my hometown of Gisborne.

“Contributing in a positive way to a child’s development has become a core professional value and a joyful part of my personal life, particularly after the birth of my son two years ago.”

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July 3, 2024