If you know a man interested in, or thinking of working in ECE encourage him to attend.

We also welcome supportive women as well as ECE recruiters, employers and trainers.
Special emphasis this year on Pasifica activities and culture.

Registration Fee:
Students  $75.00
EC-MENz Members $100.00
Non-members: $125.00

For queries regarding the registration form, contact  davidbax(at) paradise.net.nz
All other registration queries to Michael Inch –  <marianna(at)paradiseforangels.co.nz>

our theme this year will be:

‘Pasifika Pride’

Friday Night

Early Registration, campfire and singalong at Born and Raised Pasifika ECC

Saturday from 9am

Powhiri Cook Islands Style

Official welcome from Whanganui Mayor and Tangata Whenua

Workshops focusing on crafts from Samoa, Fiji, and the Cook Islands, also the value of vehicle play

Keynote presentation from experienced ECE teacher Peter Visser of Far North REAP

More hands-on workshops including rope skills, massage for babies, and ukulele

Short AGM to finish by 4:30

Saturday Night from 7:30

Island feast at Whanganui Racecourse, with entertainment and a guest presenter  speaking about the Pasifika Education Plan

Sunday Morning from 9am
Short Pasifika Church service for those wishing to attend

A chance to hear stories from our colleagues across the country, and share your own! Adam Buckingham will start us off with feedback from the Global Men in ECE gathering in Hawaii

12:30 Sunday
Summit closing, time to go home with plenty of new ideas and new friends.

Register here